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Do you have an idea that can improve lives for children?

Then you can apply for support from Reach for Change. If selected you will receive financial support and coaching from some of the sharpest minds in business to develop your idea into a sustainable venture.

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FAQ – How to apply to Reach for Change!

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How to apply to Reach for Change

What is Reach for Change?

Reach for Change is a non-profit organisation that is partnering with Tigo to support social entrepreneurs who improve the lives of children. We believe that the best way to create social change is to give the right tools to people who are passionate, and who have the entrepreneurial drive to make a lasting change.

Who is a social entrepreneur?

A social entrepreneur is someone who has identified a problem in society and has come up with an innovative solution to that problem. The social entrepreneur will often use business principles to create a sustainable organization to implement that solution, the same way that a traditional entrepreneur would build their business. The difference is that a social entrepreneur's goal is to create social change, not make money. He or she has to be ambitious and persistent, focus on a major social issue, and offer new ideas for wide-scale change.

What kind of ideas are you looking for?

We are looking for innovative solutions that will contribute to a better life for children and youth. We especially look for ideas that:

  • Will have a great social impact – meaning that they will solve real and relevant problems for children.
  • Are scalable – meaning that they have the potential to grow very large and change the lives of many children – nationally, regionally or even globally.
  • Can be financially sustainable – meaning that there is a potential business model or idea of how to pay for the solution consistently overtime and that this model or idea is self-sustainable.
  • Can be system-changing – meaning they are ideas that have the potential to change society in a big way, and make a major difference in solving the social problem identified in the long term.

(Each criteria is explained in further detail under “About the application process” below.)

How can I apply for support?

If you have an idea that could improve lives for many children, and if you are willing to work full time on making the idea grow, you can apply to us through our web site. On the website you will be asked to describe your idea and answer a number of questions.

How will you choose who gets the support?

We are looking for exceptional individuals with great ideas that can improve lives for many children, who are willing to work full time on making the idea grow and who have the entrepreneurial drive to succeed. We have a broad and extensive selection process, where both Tigo co-workers and external experts are involved to choose the most entrepreneurial and innovative individuals with the most powerful ideas.

What kind of support will I get if my idea is selected?

The selected individuals will receive tools and support to develop and scale their ideas. They will receive salary funding, advice, and coaching from our partners. We will monitor their progress over time to ensure they meet agreed on Key Performance Indicators. The salary funding is meant to allow these individuals to focus full-time on developing their ideas and activities. But equally important is the support from some of the most outstanding Tigo co-workers to help scale and develop the idea so it becomes financially sustainable and reaches as many children as possible.

How many projects will you support?

In this initial phase we will select two ideas to support.

Who will decide who gets funding?

We have a broad and extensive selection process, where both Tigo co-workers and external experts are involved. The applicants that make it through the first step of the application process will be asked to submit additional information. A jury of senior managers from our partners and the Reach for Change foundation will make the final decision.

About the application process and the selection

How can I apply for support?

If you have an idea that can improve lives for many children, and if you are willing to work full time on making the idea grow, you can apply at our web site.

Here you will be asked to fill out some personal information to create a personal account. Once you have created your account, you can submit your application by answering a few questions about yourself and your idea.

I don't have a post address/mobile phone number or something else that is requested when creating an account. What do I do?

Phone number is required to create an account. For all the other requirements for creating an account, write that you don't have it, or just put the letter x, then you can proceed.

What happens after I have submitted my idea?

The applications will be evaluated, and the applicants that meet the selection criteria will be asked to submit more information. To find out whether your idea has passed on to the second step of the selection process you can log on to your personal account at If you chose to submit an email address you will also be notified via email.

I want to prepare by reading the questions before?

All the questions can be downloaded from the web site.

Can I apply with more ideas than one?

We allow only one idea per person. Choose the ideas that you believe in the most and that you are the most passionate about.

Is there a limit to the length of the application?

Yes. In the online application form you will see how many characters you can use for each question. We ask you to keep your answers short, concise and to the point

I'm not sure how to answer a specific question. I don't understand what the question is asking for?

You will find explanations to the questions on the web site.

Can two or more people apply collectively with the same idea?

If you are two co-leaders, with the same role, you can both apply. But, you will only receive one space in the incubator to share. Alternatively decide which of you is best suited to lead and have that person submit the application.

How do I know if my application has been submitted?

You will see that your application is marked “submitted” when you are logged on to your account.

When I log on to my account, there is no application registered, although I applied yesterday. What has happened?

Then it seems your application was not submitted, we would ask you to do it again (provided the deadline has not passed). Make sure your idea is marked as “submitted” in your account before you finish.

Can I meet you in person to present my project?

Only written application that have been submitted on the website can be processed. However, if the application goes through to the final round you will be invited to present it in person.

One of the selection criteria is social impact – what does it mean?

With social impact we mean the impact on children's lives. We are specifically looking for ideas that can solve pressing problems for many children. It can be a solution, in the form of a product, services or a system that provides a clear solution to a major societal problem for children that is not currently being addressed.

One of the selection criteria is financial sustainability – what does it mean?

With financial sustainability we mean that there is a business model or a financial strategy that can sustain the operations in the long term. We give support for one to three years, and during that period we expect the individual selected to build a model for the operations to become self-sustainable. That is that it can sustain and continue to scale without financial support from Tigo and Reach for Change.

One of the selection criteria is scalability – what does it mean?

The ideas must be scalable, meaning that they eventually will change the lives of many children. It may start in a small scale but which over the years gains national, regional or even global significance.

One of the selection criteria is system change – what does it mean?

It means that we want to support brave ideas with potential to alter society and make a difference in a longer perspective. It might be the start of a revolutionary idea, one that acts as a catalyst for total change.

One of the selection criteria is link to Tigo – what does it mean?

It means that it we will reward ideas where Tigo's competences or technologies will be valuable in developing the ideas. This can be for example an idea that involves ICT or mobile solutions or where there is a potential of doing so.

How do you define children – what ages?

We define children in this context as up to 18 years old.

Do I need to have an existing organization or company in place to apply?

No, you can apply as an individual. However, if selected you would have to register an organization or a company.

Can an Non Governmental Organization (NGO) or a company apply for support?

The support will be given to individuals. Organizations and companies can apply, but the application needs to come from an individual – an entrepreneur - representing the organization or the company. Typically it would be the founder.

We can only support a company if the overall goal of the operations is to create social impact, and all revenue is re-invested into the operations for the time of support.

Are you looking for new ideas or can existing organizations apply?

We are looking for early stage social entrepreneurs. By this we mean individuals whose ideas have not yet reached their full potential. This can be:

  • Individuals with a brand new idea.
  • Individuals who have built an organization that is still not fully developed because the individual has not been able to focus fully on the idea/organization.
  • Individuals who have built an organization that has run for some time, but who need support to change the direction of the operations or take on a new and bigger challenge.

Is it business ideas that you are looking for?

We are looking for powerful ideas that can improve the lives of many children. The ideas need to include some kind of business model and have the potential to become financially sustainable. However, the over all goal of the social entrepreneur must be to create social impact, not to generate profit.

What specific areas will you support (is it for example health, education etc.)?

We are looking for any solutions that will solve pressing problems for children – this can be health, education, safety or a wide range of other areas. We do not limit the call to a certain area since we believe that the true experts on your country's biggest social challenges are in our communities. Local people who have identified the most pressing problems and come up with innovative solutions.

About the support from Reach for Change and Tigo

What happens if I am selected?

The selected individuals will receive tools and support to develop and scale up their ideas. They will receive salary funding, advice and coaching from Tigo. The salary funding is meant to allow these individuals to focus full-time on developing their ideas and activities. But equally important is the support from some of the most outstanding Tigo co-workers to help scale and develop the idea and make it financially sustainable.

For how long will I get the support?

The support is given for a maximum of three years. After each year, the collaboration will be evaluated, and a decision on whether to continue for one more year will be taken.

What am I required to do if I get the support?

First and foremost, you are required to work full time and put your energy into developing and scaling your idea. You will also have to do extensive reporting so that we can evaluate the social impact and the progress of the work.

Критерии за оценка на идеята:

  • Посветена на реална социална тема 

  • Новаторска, но и с потенциал за реализация 

  • Идея в ранен етап на развитие 

  • Значителен социален ефект 

  • Потенциал за ефект върху значима част от целевата група 

  • Потенциал за финансова устойчивост

Критерии за оценка на кандидата:

  • Да бъде автор на идеята и да е готов да се посвети на нея 

  • Предприемачески дух и навици 

  • Лидерски качества 

  • Социална ангажираност 

Proces prijave

Важни дати

Начало на периода за онлайн кандидатстване - 19 април 2022, 8:00 часа.

Краен срок за онлайн кандидатстване – 7 юни 2022, 23:59 часа.

Техническа проверка - 8 - 13 юни 2022

Прочит на заявките от доброволци - 14 юни 2022

Избор на най-добрите заявки от експерти  - 21 - 30 юни 2022

Интервю с международен екпсерт от Reach for Change - 7 - 8 юли 2022

Акселератор - 13 юли - 12 август 2022

Интервюта за избор на 5 основни кандидата - 1 - 2 септември 2022

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Представяне пред детско и възрастно жури. Окончателен избор на големия победител – 1 ноември 2022

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